Myths About Heating and Cooling Systems for Homes

13 Myths About Heating and Cooling Systems for Homes

The average homeowner spends about $1200 on energy to heat and cools their home. That’s a lot of money! But there are so many myths about heating and cooling systems that it can take a lot of work to know how to save money while staying comfortable. This article will look at some common myths and explain how they’re wrong. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how your HVAC system works and what steps you can take as a homeowner to ensure that it works as efficiently as possible.

Myth #1: If you get a new furnace, you can save on your fuel bill.

The idea of a new furnace is appealing. After all, it’s a big purchase that can last for decades, so choosing the most efficient model is the best way to ensure you save money on your energy bills. But according to Energy Star, this isn’t necessarily true.

The organization reports that installing a new furnace doesn’t guarantee you’ll save money—and in many cases, it could cost you more than if you’d simply maintained your existing system. That’s because when professional contractors install furnaces with proper permits and codes in place, they tend to be more expensive than older models were when they were introduced on the market years ago.

Additionally, some recent studies have found that replacing an old unit with a newer model might result in higher fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions over time due to increased electricity consumption (though these findings differ from other researchers).

Myth #2: If your furnace is older than ten years, it is inefficient.

The second myth is that if your furnace is older than ten years, it’s inefficient and costs more to run than a new one.

The truth is that your heating system’s efficiency has nothing to do with its age! Some people believe that newer furnaces are more efficient than older ones—but this isn’t true. Old or new, all furnaces have the same energy rating, which indicates how much energy they use (the higher the number, the more efficient). So if you’re considering replacing an old unit with a brand-new one or having an existing furnace serviced by an HVAC technician, don’t let myths about efficiency steer you in another direction.

Myth #3 Programmable thermostats will save you money.

You can save money by programming your thermostat to turn on and off at certain times.

The savings will only be realized if you are willing to spend the time to program them and consistently use your programmable thermostat.

Programmable thermostats are difficult to install, and installation costs vary widely from one area of the country to another.

Myth #4 Fans cool down the room they are in.

While fans move air around, you are the only thing they are actually cooling. This means that when you stand in front of a fan, the air flowing from it will be hotter than the air coming out of your mouth (this is why people often stick their heads out of cars in hot weather). As for blowing hot air around your home? It won’t help cool your house down at all. Fans can feel nice when it’s hot outside because they make us feel cooler—but this is because we’re getting more oxygen. Thus our bodies react by lowering our body temperature to compensate for this new flow of fresh, excellent oxygen into our lungs. However, when sitting in an 80-degree room with no windows open? A fan just isn’t going to cut it!

Myth #5 If you have a humidifier, you don’t need a dehumidifier.

While it’s true that a humidifier can help with dry skin, dry nasal passages and other symptoms of living in a dry climate, it will not solve the problem completely. Dehumidifiers work best when used in conjunction with humidifiers. If you don’t have an air conditioning system in your home (or if you do and don’t use it), dehumidifiers are an excellent way to keep the air moist and comfortable no matter the season

Dehumidifiers also help prevent mould buildup by removing excess moisture from the air in your living space. Mould spores thrive on damp surfaces, so reducing potential moisture sources will reduce their growth and make them easier to clean up when they do occur.

Electric space heaters are cheaper to use

Myth #6 Electric space heaters are cheaper to use than central heat.

The assumption that electric space heaters are cheaper than central heating is one of the most common myths about home heating systems. Electric space heaters can be less expensive to install and operate, but they’re not always cheaper than central heating, even when the installation cost is considered.

If you factor in the higher price per hour of electricity used by an electric space heater compared with natural gas or propane (which is what most people would use for their primary heating source), then it becomes clear that it costs more money over time to run an electric space heater than a centralized system like a furnace or boiler.

Myth #7 Ceiling fans reduce your cooling bill.

While ceiling fans can help circulate air in your home, they don’t reduce your cooling bill. If you think about it, the only way a ceiling fan would reduce your cooling bill is if you could turn off all of your other air conditioning units while running just one overhead fan. This is highly unlikely to happen.

Instead of trying to cool an entire room with a single overhead fan, focus on how best to use the space in your home so that you’re comfortable and not wasting money. For example:

  • If you’re going to be spending most of your time downstairs, try closing off rooms upstairs, so they don’t get too cold or hot while the rest of the house stays at an optimal temperature throughout the day and night; this will help save energy costs when it’s not being used for sleeping purposes since no one needs those rooms cooled down—especially if there are windows open nearby!

Myth #8 Window air conditioners are less expensive and more efficient than central air conditioning systems.

Window air conditioners are less expensive than central air conditioning systems. This is true when you factor in the cost of installation and ductwork, but it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison.

Window air conditioners require no ducts and can be installed anywhere in your home. In contrast, central air conditioning requires installing a network of ducts to distribute cool air throughout your house. Installing these ducts will add significantly to the cost of installing a central system compared to window units—but this doesn’t mean that window units are cheaper overall!

Central air conditioning systems are more efficient than their window counterparts. This myth assumes that all significant cooling systems have been appropriately sized for your home (which isn’t always the case). It also ignores that most homes have windows on at least one side; if they didn’t, we would not need heating or cooling! Windows let in natural light and fresh air, which help keep people healthy by increasing circulation throughout their bodies today–and tomorrow…

Myth #9 If you have an A/C unit, it should be turned off when no one is home.

If you have an air conditioner, it should be turned off when no one is at home. This is because leaving the unit running while no one is home will lead to excessive energy costs and can cause damage to your system. A/C units are not designed to run all day long and cost money to operate—much more than you would if you just opened up some windows or used ceiling fans instead.

It’s also important to note that even though having an A/C unit sounds excellent in theory during summer months, most new homes do not come with central air conditioning systems installed by default. Instead, most homeowners rely on window units or other portable cooling methods like fans or swamp coolers (which use water instead of air). These systems are much cheaper than central ones because they don’t require ductwork as central A/Cs do—they plug into outlets around your house and pull in outside air through vents near their location (such as those in windows).

Myth #10 You should change your HVAC filter every month.

This myth is one of the most common and also one of the most potentially harmful. Changing your heating and cooling system‘s filter every month is a great way to get flagged by your local HVAC company as someone who needs help.

A dirty filter can cause damage to your home’s heating and cooling system if it isn’t replaced. However, if you change a clean filter every three months—or more frequently for dusty environments—you will reduce wear on the system and protect yourself from potential health risks caused by airborne allergens circulated throughout your home or office building. It’s also important to note that while some companies recommend changing filters monthly because they sell more filters this way, other companies out there recommend replacing them once every three months or so because it’s safer for your home and will save you money in the long run (and make sure you don’t experience any electrical problems!).

Duct tape makes a good seal for ductwork

Myth #11 Duct tape makes a good seal for ductwork.

It’s easy to see why duct tape became the go-to solution for repairing ducts. It’s cheap, readily available, and can be used to make a quick fix on the spot. But don’t expect it to hold up over time—duct tape is not a permanent solution for sealing leaks in your duct system. The adhesive from duct tape is designed to attach paper together, not to keep airtight seals against high-pressure air flow in your home’s heating and cooling system. One Consumer Reports investigation found that duct taping around holes in air registers increased airflow by as much as 35%.

This means that even if you don’t notice any immediate effects after applying this quick fix (like higher energy bills or poor airflow), continuing to use it could lead to severe long-term problems like mould growth where moisture has accumulated due to an improper seal on your home’s air vents or registers. If you’re looking for ways to keep your house warm during cold weather months without blowing through too much money on heating bills this winter season, please check out our top-rated heaters here!

Myth #12 SMART thermostats are the best way to control your cooling and heating systems.

  • Myth #12: SMART thermostats are the best way to control your cooling and heating systems.

It may seem like a good idea at first, but SMART (or “smart”) thermostats aren’t always as smart as they seem. Most of these digital devices require a monthly fee to access their functions, which can be incredibly costly when you consider that they’re more expensive than other types of thermostats. On top of that, since they need internet access for you to use them properly if your internet goes down for any reason (whether it’s because of a storm or simply because your cable company is having issues), there’s nothing else you can do with them until service returns—which means no air conditioning or heat for everyone involved!

Myth #13 The colour of your roof doesn’t affect how much your home heats during the summer months.

Truth: While the colour of your house’s roof will not affect airflow, it will affect how much sunlight hits your home and its cooling system. A white place can be up to five degrees cooler than one with brick or brown shingles in the summertime!

What should you do if you’re planning on installing a new heating and cooling system for your home? Ensure that your attic has enough insulation so heat can’t escape through it as easily. You’ll also want to ensure proper ventilation around windows and doors so that cool air doesn’t get trapped inside while warm air escapes outside.

Knowing the facts about heating and cooling systems can help homeowners make intelligent decisions about their home comfort

Smart decisions include:

  • Investing in a good-quality heating and cooling system. This is a great way to ensure sufficient airflow throughout your home, keeping things even between different rooms and not wasting energy. You can also save money on electricity or natural gas bills by not having to go over what you need for comfort each season.
  • Find out how much your current heat pump will cost before replacing it with another one. It’s essential to evaluate what kind of return on investment (ROI) you’re getting from a new heating or cooling system to make sure it’s worth spending money on upgrading right now versus waiting until later down the road when technology advances further than today’s models do now–and perhaps than finding out that installing another brand new model would’ve been cheaper anyway!

In the end, there are many myths about heating and cooling systems. You can avoid them in your home if you know what they are. For example, if you have an older HVAC system or a newer one that uses less energy than average, it doesn’t matter which one you choose because both will work for your needs. We at Sarman Air Company will help you to decide.

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